
Hi, I’m Jim! I’m a software engineer living in Melbourne, Australia. As someone who is always on the cutting edge, I’ve decided to start a blog in 2019, only about 3 years after blogs stopped being relevant!

This blog will (hopefully) contain my thoughts across a range of topics. Professionally, my work as a consultant sees me using a number of different programming technologies, and I’ll be looking to document my experience with anything interesting that comes up. If you’re a fan of case studies and post-mortems then you’ll be in heaven.

Away from the programming world, I’m also a bit of a sports tragic. My sports of choice start with Basketball, cricket & soccer but will spread out to AFL, netball, rugby and a little bit of everything else sprinkled in there as well. With this in mind, I’ll be looking to also include some of my amateur sports analytics projects here.

Anyhow, hopefully that hasn’t scared you off and I look forward to sharing my ramblings with you going forward.